Tell Congress: Stop Fueling Worst Humanitarian Crisis In Yemen


Nearly three quarters of Yemen’s population needs humanitarian assistance, with disease and air strikes killing millions of innocent civilians and children.

In the past, U.S. support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has fueled this humanitarian crisis, rather than promoting peace.

As American Christians, we cannot sit idly by and allow more lives to be taken because of the war in Yemen.

The House has already overwhelmingly voted once to pull U.S. support of the coalition in Yemen, proving our voice matters. Now Congress will have even more legislative opportunities to promote peace in Yemen, and we must speak out once again!

Our message should ring clear — Americans do not support this deadly war.

Learn more about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and how you can help end it by checking out Oxfam America’s resources.

Please raise your Christian voice by calling your leaders and sharing with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

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