America can and must be better than the current White House policy that locks up children and does nothing for families previously separated at our borders. 

People of good will can disagree on the best policy response to foreign families seeking political asylum and to undocumented workers in our economy.  But as countless Christian leaders have made clear — and as anyone with a heart knows — any policy that willfully separates children from loving parents is immoral. 

The new Executive Order the President issued does nothing for the children already caged and separated from their parents, seems certain to violate U.S. law on the length of time children can be detained, and will cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

The American experiment is based on the belief that the government and its leaders represent their people.  For much of our history, that has allowed America to stand as a City on a Hill — a beacon of freedom and a representation of a people's commitment to the rights and dignity of all.  When our government ceases to speak on our behalf and enacts policies that are anathema to our fundamental values, we have a responsibility as Americans and Christians to make our voices heard.

At Faith Voters, we join our voice to the growing chorus of the faithful speaking out on this issue.  We encourage you to join us by sharing the costs of these policies and quotes from key leaders below.  And please join tens of thousands of Christian voters who have already signed our petition.



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