Virginia Parents Matter to Terry McAuliffe

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.” —Proverbs 3:27

The pandemic has been tough on everyone, but it’s been especially rough for parents. Moms and dads in Virginia have spent the pandemic juggling work, Zoomschool, and childcare. 

About 40% of parents had to change their job situation this past year, either reducing their hours or quitting entirely. Many lost the steady income that puts a roof over their heads and food on the table and every family has made hard decisions that challenged the health and financial well being of their family and their future. 

Thanks to the stimulus payments, they were able to survive the pandemic. But with Virginia’s COVID recovery in full swing, they want to get back to work. To do that they need quality, affordable childcare—but they need help getting it.  

That’s why Virginian parents are voting for Terry McAuliffe to be the next Governor of Virginia. Terry is choosing to put working parents first by guaranteeing them the childcare they need to get back to work, because he knows that leaving them behind will stall the economy and undercut economic growth in Virginia. Not to mention–it’s the Christian thing to do. 

Terry has a plan to expand before and after school programs and pre-k schools to increase learning opportunities for Virginia children and help make sure parents can get to work on time.

Terry McAuliffe with his family on Easter Sunday.

Terry McAuliffe with his family on Easter Sunday.

Terry understands that Virginia needs dependable workers and quality education for their children–the next generation of hard working Americans. He will also ensure that every Virginian has access to paid sick, family and medical leave so they can be home when their families need them without losing their job.

Virginia parents matter to Terry McAuliffe and he is doing what is within his power to help those in need. By voting for him, we as faith voters are doing the same. 

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