SB 202 Criminalizes Giving Water to The Thirsty

Christian churches are an important part of communities and often serve as polling places for elections. Churches often offer water as a witness to people waiting outside to vote in the sun, especially for parents with children.

“For I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” —Matthew 25

Georgia’s new voting law, SB 202, makes it illegal for Christians to hand out water to voters.

Jesus taught us that when trying to understand a person’s true intent, we’ll know them by their fruits. This new law to ensure voters waiting in long lines remain thirsty doesn’t protect anyone’s vote.

America is stronger when simple acts of kindness aren’t criminalized and we encourage all citizens to vote. But SB 202 undermines these core American values and makes Christian kindness illegal.

It’s wrong. We can be better.

Learn How Faith Leaders Are Taking Action

Georgia faith leaders to leave water bottles around Capitol in protest of new voter laws

RNS, Religion News Service

(AP Photo/Jeff Amy)


GA Faith Community Stands Against SB 202


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