Reflecting Our Christian Values in Virginia’s 2021 Election

 As Faith Voters, our Christian values guide our votes. 

God calls us to help the sick, lift up the poor, and feed the hungry—especially when they are children. And He calls us to be good stewards of our resources, meaning we must help our neighbors while still being practical

Terry McAuliffe, Candidate for Governor in Virginia, has a plan that does just that. 

Reducing Poverty by Getting Families Back to Work

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

–Proverbs 19:17

COVID hit the American economy hard, but thanks to leadership and communities that continually sought to build each other up, Virginia is making an incredible recovery. 

Virginia’s 4.2% unemployment rate is at one of its lowest points in 10 years and down ⅔ from when COVID began.  Virginia’s major industries are seeing consistent job and wage growth. But our work is not done yet. Christians understand the importance of work with dignity.

To help those hit hardest by the pandemic get back on their feet, Terry McAuliffe will make sure that every parent has access to affordable childcare—so they don’t have to choose between rejoining the workforce or taking care of their little ones. And he will expand subsidized housing for low income workers. Stable homes help children thrive and parents get and keep their job, reducing the number of Virginians who depend on unemployment to survive.

Helping the Sick…By Reducing the Chance They Get Sick to Begin With

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

—1 John 3:18 

Caring for the sick is an important act of Christian love and kindness. But as practical Christians, the best option is to protect people from getting sick in the first place.

Through practical policies that encourage masking, testing, and vaccinating, Virginia has been able to keep case counts low. About 10% more Virginians are vaccinated than surrounding Southern states. And our cases per 100,000 people is only half that of neighboring states more than double that. This can explain why Virginia hospitals are busy, but not overcrowded as they are in many other states this fall.

To ensure Virginians’ can continue to reduce the threat of COVID, Terry McAuliffe has a plan to provide free rapid tests and paid sick leave for Virginians. 

Cumulative COVID cases lower in Virginia than any other Southern state. Map from Mayo Clinic.

Cumulative COVID cases lower in Virginia than any other Southern state. Map from Mayo Clinic.

When Virginians can quickly know whether or not they have COVID and when they don’t have the financial stress of missing a day of work, they will stay home— protecting their neighbors from a terrible disease and keeping our economy open. This way, Virginia wins when we all work together.

Filling Our Kids’ Minds and Bellies 

“I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.”

–Matthew 25

As Christians, we believe that everyone deserves to eat, especially little children. We want our kids back in school, where they are guaranteed an education and two full meals each day. But we know we’ve got to do that in a way that keeps our kids safe. 

That’s why all students in Virginia schools are wearing masks. And it is working—Virginia’s COVID cases in children are much lower compared to neighboring states who do not require masks in schools. Terry McAuliffe will continue this policy to keep our children safe.


But even as many children once again have access to daily meals, there are many others who go hungry. Going beyond the pandemic, Terry McAulliffe will provide each child with quality pre-k learning so that each will have both enrichment for their young minds and the nutrition they need to grow and focus on their learning.

Terry’s previous administration has already provided nearly 13 million more meals every year to Virginia students. As our next Governor, Terry will continue Virginia’s work with school divisions, localities and nonprofits to make sure every child comes to school well-fed and ready to learn.


Terry McAuliffe Has A Plan to Love Our Neighbors in virginia

For Christians voting their values, Terry McAuliffe is the best choice for Virginia’s Governor in 2021.

Don’t miss the next Virginia Governor Debate between Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin on Thursday, Sept. 16th at 7pm. Streamed here.

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